Week 4 Assignment




Workshop Proposal

Ashy Student

EDU 499: Shared Capstone

Teacher Instructor

February 27, 2020

( Hint: In this template, you will find purple and orange “hint” boxes designed to help you with the assignment. Please delete all hints before finalizing your project. To do this, click on the hint box and then hit the “delete” key on your keyboard. )

( Hint : Scroll over linked headings to see additional tips or information about that section. )Workshop Proposal

Part 1A: Workshop Details


Include your title here. “Canines with Manners”


Provide a description of your Workshop. Clients (Owners) will work with their dogs using positive reinforcement toteach them commands and positive behavior.


State your objective or purpose. The objective of the workshop is for the attending dogs to learn basic manners from their owners.

Target Audience

Describe your target audience. Your audience should be program specific. BAD, Bachelor of Arts, Dog The target audience are clients with young dogs who need assistance teaching their dog basic commands and manners.


Explain a major theory in your field of study, and include how your chosen theory supports your content choice.

Behaviorism/Classical Conditioning accredited to Pavlov.

The theory states that a conditioned response (behavior) can be triggered in dog when prompted with food (Mcleod, 2013).

( Hint : You will create a one-page flyer to advertise your upcoming Workshop. You will post a PDF version of this flyer in the Week Three Discussion Forum for peer feedback. Your flyer should include: The Title of the Workshop The Objective/Purpose of the Workshop The Target Audience Your name (as the presenter) Time/Date/Place An image to represent the content Colorful and engaging visuals For the final assignment in Week 5, please take a screenshot of your flyer, delete this hint box, and insert the image of your flyer into this space. For help taking a screenshot, see this resource . For help inserting images in Word, see this resource . ) Part 1B: Workshop Flyer

Part 2: Roadblocks


Roadblock #1

Solution #1

List Roadblock #1 here Specific to the Objective

Share Roadblock #1 here. There is a large variance of abilities between the dos in the class.

Share a solution to Roadblock #1.Instructor will differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each client (owner) and dog.


Roadblock #2

Solution #2

List Roadblock #2 here Specific to the Objective

Share Roadblock #2 here. Clients (owners) The clients (owners) and/or dogs are not engaged in instruction.

Share a solution to Roadblock #2. Remind clients (owners) of the objective. Use a variety of instructional strategies to keep both clients (owners) and dogs engaged in the workshop.

Professional Standards

Professional Standard #1 Explain how it supports the solution to Roadblock #1.

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it represents the objective of your Workshop.

INTASC Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

The Instructor will need to quickly asses each client (owner) and dog to determine ability and understanding. The Instructor will offer additional support and strategies for those in need. The Instructor will encourage those who master commands to move on to more challenging tasks. The Instructor will be prepared with these commands and support material if necessary.

Professional Standard #2 how it supports the solution to Roadblock #2.

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it represents the objective of your Workshop. INTASC Standard #8: Instructional Strategies The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways. The instructor must use a variety of strategies to keep the dog and the client (owner) engaged and on task. This can include; tone, inflection, movement, a variety of games, positive reinforcement, and treats.

Part 3: Environment and Materials


Describe the environment or the space needed to deliver your workshop.

The ideal environment for this workshop would be outside, in a fenced in (smaller) area. Complete with chairs for the clients and platforms for the dogs. The area would need to be large enough for 8 clients and dogs. The area should be shaded and well maintained.

Needs and/or Supplies

List your needs and/or supplies for the Workshop.

Chairs, platforms, handouts, extra leashes, extra collars, extra treats, filled water bowls, tunnels, balls, buckets, and other obstacles.




List Roadblock #1 here

Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Share Roadblock #1 here. Environment – the outside area is not large enough for 8 clients and 8 dogs.

Share a solution to Roadblock #1. Limit the number of participants by offering 2 classes back to back, separating dogs by ability level and age.

List Roadblock #2 here Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Share Roadblock #2 here. The age differences between the dogs is upsetting to the older dogs who are beyond puppy behavior. In addition, some breeds are less tolerant of other breeds in small spaces.

Share a solution to Roadblock #2. The Instructor must realize that the puppies will need additional attention and support as well as awareness of proximity to other dogs. Understand that not all dogs enjoy socialization allow space as needed.

Professional Standards

Professional Standard #1 Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it supports the solution to Roadblock #1. INTASC Standard #3- Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

The objective is for dogs to learn basic commands from their owners, therefore the teacher must offer an environment that is conducive to learning. There cannot be extensive distractions (other dogs) to keep the dogs from learning the command, therefore a smaller class will be more conducive to learning. The teacher must model for the clients (owners) how to command the dog, how to reward the dog, and how to follow up to ensure mastery in a positive, engaging environment. The teacher must guide the clients (owners) the proper way to socialize their dogs within the group.

Professional Standard #2 Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it supports the solution to Roadblock #2.

INTASC Standard #2- Learning Differences

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

The Instructor needs to know as much as possible about the dogs before the Workshop begins. Knowing this will allow proper placement in the Workshop space. Assessing the dogs upon arrival will allow the instructor to understand the personality of each dog. This will lead to differentiated commands and support as needed.

Part 4: Strategies


Determine which program(s) at the multigenerational center could also benefit from the Workshop. Explain why they would benefit. BACS BAECE BACD BAES BAELLS BACS

If shelter dog were brought in to be trained, all the above groups would benefit. I would suggest the BACS works with the Senior Center to find willing participants to help train. I would specifically suggest bringing in small dogs who are beyond the puppy stage, so they are more manageable. My intent would be that one or more of the senior would chose to adopt a dog and have a new companion. Also, those that have had dogs in the past would be patient and understanding with dogs who did not have owners. A friendship could blossom.

BAECE, BACD, BAES I would suggest for the child-centered groups that the children work with an adult to help train the dogs. This would offer the child more responsibility which would lead to increased confidence. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2013), A child who learns to care for an animal learn to treat their peers with the same kindness.


List Strategy #1 here Grouping The instructor should group dogs who are of similar ability together, so that specific instruction, at their specific level can be shared.

List Strategy #2 here Timed Learning Centers

After the dogs have practiced a few commands, the Instructor should create specific learning centers were clients (owners) can move with their dog for reinforcement of commands. Clients (owners) can spend as much time at each learning center as needed to practice the previously taught command.

( Hint: Your final draft in Week 5 will be your completed template including the necessary revisions based on any feedback from your instructor and peers. )


Use APA style to reference any sources used in your proposal. Remember, you must include in-text citations throughout your document to show your reader what information you used from outside sources. For help with the reference page, please see this resource.

References American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (2013, May). Pets And Children. Retrieved from https://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/FFF-Guide/Pets-And-Children-075.aspx

Council of Chief State School Officers. (2011, April). Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue. Washington, DC: Author. McLeod, S. A. (2013). Pavlov's Dogs. Retrieved from www.simplypsychology.org/pavlov.html

( Hint: In the final version of your assignment, be sure that you have removed all of the prompt information and “hint” boxes within the template. )